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Don't be afraid to back your dreams!

Ready to share your message &

passion for helping others into

your vibrant coaching empire!





Inspire & Empower Those You Are Meant To Serve

Private coaching for coaches and service-based entrepreneurs

I love working with passionate coaches and serviced- based entrepreneurs like you, because you truly want to make a difference in your clients lives. 


Of course, you also want to be your own boss and get paid for doing what you love. You are so ready for the freedom to spend more time with your loved ones, get out of debt, travel and work from anywhere.  So, how can you grow your new business empire? How can you get that idea out of your head and turn it into your profitable, signature program!? I'm here to show you how! 


If you are ready to succeed, you must get in the game and not settle for less than what you know you are meant for. If you truly want to create a business that allows you to achieve the financial, spiritual and emotional freedom you want, while you live out your purpose and what you are most passionate about... You must choose to kiss overwhelm, uncertainty and fear good-bye. If you are ready, say yes to doing what you love... full time!

It's possible to create a meaningful, purpose driven career

based on your desire to help others & your unique awesomeness!

What Will Be Our Focus?






Are you done with the drama and the scarcity?

I want to get real with you for a minute. Starting something new, like becoming a new leader, coach or service based entrepreneur can be so exciting and scary all at the same time!  


Maybe this sounds like you:


  • You are excited about the freedom of being your own boss, making your own schedule, generating as much money as you want, traveling and spending more time with your loved ones and doing things you love!


  • You know you were created to share something special with the world. You may not hate your current job, but you want to explore other ways to make an impact and support a community of people who want to make the world a better place.


  • You don't want to just work for others and make their dreams come true, you want to bring your dreams to life.


  • You want to have the financial freedom to be more generous, give to charity and to those you've been meaning to help... but that you can't, because you have debt and bills to pay.


  • If you are a busy mom, like me, you want to invest time in your kids, instead of having someone else caring for them the entire day (while you work).


  • You're done with lowering your prices, hearing people say "no" to buying your program and all the drama/ insecurity that comes with that! You're so close that you can almost taste it Let's figure out what you need to do next. So you know what you to focus on as you grow your business and income. No more struggling with direction and what structures you need in place.


I attracted my first 13 clients within 3 weeks!

Thanks to my work with Pachi, I was able to create my first program and attracted my first 13 clients within our first 3 weeks of working together. I have reached an incredible level of clarity about goals and desires.


I'm now very clear on the value of what I have to offer. I've been able to organically attract over 30 clients in 3 months, because I know who my ideal clients are. " 



Life Coach

Testimonios Clientes

You & I are responsible for figuring out our purpose &

sharing our gifts with those we are meant to serve!

Hey there! I'm Pachi McLeod, a professional life and business coach for passionate, purpose-driven visionaries who want it all! Especially, making an income around what they are most passionate about!


I'm all about living a life that truly reflects your personal purpose or calling, your desires and priorities (like spending more time with their kids, traveling and serving their tribe).


I've always had big dreams. By the age of 21, right after getting my bachelors degree in Psychology; I left my family, my country and all I knew, to move to the USA, to follow my dream of helping leaders. 


For over 10 years, I dedicated my life to my career development and to helping people as a teacher, counselor and through my work with a couple of the leading international non profits in the US, but something happened that chaged my life.


In 2013 my husband and I welcomed our first baby, after having had a miscarriage a year prior. We were super excited to welcome this little bundle of joy, but 3 months into it I experienced one of the hardest days of my life... I had to drop our baby at a daycare, in the new city we had moved to about 2 weeks prior to his arrival.


It was tough!!!! But that day was the start of something new. It became so clear, that I needed to make changes that would allow me the freedom to spend the majority of my time with my son, so I began to look for another vehicle to continue to serve and fulfill my purpose. How about you? Are you looking for other vehicles or a new platform to serve more people in a way that allows you the freedom you are craving?


I know I'm not alone in this. Like me, many of my clients desire to share their unique awesomeness with others, but they also want to live life on their own terms. They don't want to wait until they are 65 or until they retire, to begin to control their schedules, travel and spend more time with the ones they love. 


If any of this resonates with you, I'm here to help you. I'm fully commited to helping my clients create the results they want in their life and business. Stick with me...

Ready to stop telling yourself those excuses that

are keeping you from living the life you truly want?

I launched my first programa with 6 clients and made 3,000 in a week!

Working with Pachi opened me to a world of talent that I didn't know I had. I also didn't know that by leveraging those those talents my income could increase, too. I created and delivered my program to a group of women (with different backgrounds, including a therapist and coach). I easily made a lot of money that week! 


I've also seen results in my self awareness and  major improvements in my relationships with my close family. Working with Pachi has helped me to know myself better and as a result I can make decisions that were previously difficult (chaos) for me.



Entrepreneur & Physical Therapist 

Testimonios Clientes

This is possible for you, too.  So believe that this is your time!

I help my clients say yes to living their ultimate purpose, by creating a overwhelm-free, fun, profitable business that make them spark!


I work with:

  • Coaches

  • Psychologists and counselors

  • Multi-level marketing business owners

  • Speakers

  • Leaders, pastors and ministers

  • Service based Entrepreneus

  • and more!


Grow Your Empire with Your Signature Programs


Stage #1


  • Get clear on your WHAT (desire, your vision and goals)


  • Your WHY (your unique purpose and mission)


  • Leverage your strengths


  • Get clear on your WHO (your market and ideal client, the people you are meant to serve)


  •  Your goals for the next 90 days (clarity sheets, easy ways to help you create your plan to get in financial shape)

Stage #2


  •  Get clear on your HOW or what I like to call your Wow Zone  (here is where we put it all together)


  • Validate your idea from the start. You'll identify what your ideal client is dying to pay you for


  • NO DRAMA MAMMA! Creating perfect schedule for you. So you can live YOUR life, while you grow your business.


  • Kissing overwhelm, uncertainty and fear good-bye. Carving out the excess, so you can strategically focus on what will bring results.


This is the key to finding the most effective way to become profitable, faster. Super important to position  yourself as an expert in your industry, even if you are just starting out


Stage #3


  • The 20 basic structures you need to have in place to grow your business right.


  • Choosing the business model for you, right now (simple yet effective way for you to bring in money)


  • The right schedule for you (no more guessing, arranging your day to include work, growth, play and rest!) 


  • Consistent from the start (website, communication and other platforms)


  • The systems, right team and structure (depending on the stage your are in)


  • Laser focus on high end paying tasks (with themes connected to your outcomes)


This is potentially the area where most people starting a business spin their wheels. It's not a matter of how organize you are, but of creating the skeleton to support you and your company.

Stage #4


  • Choosing the right focus and program for you, based on what you want to offer to the world


  • Turning your idea/passion into your high value, results driven program and offer


  • Creating the hook, the promise and offer


  • Pricing your offers (strategy to increase your prices as your programs sells)


  • Content creation


  • All details about the pre, during and post launch (for services, programs, intensives, retreats, etc)


  • Confidently delivering programs that your clients are dying to buy!


Your programs and services are the backbone of your company. This is the way you make money, so nailing this down is key, if you want to grow a profitable business empire.

Stage #5


  • Attracting your ideal customer and tribe (converting fans into clients)


  • Becoming a sales superstar (booking discovery calls and selling without being pushy or salesy)


  • Marketing day to day made simple (free content, opt-ins, social media, webinars, group calls, etc)


  • Overcoming objections (you'll see your clients selling the programs to themselves)


  • Focusing on high end paying tasks (with themes connected to your outcomes)


  • Developing an authentic self confidence, based on your commitment to live out your calling 


The psychology behind identifying your ideal ideal. You will understand your ideal client , know what she wants/needs from you and how to offer it in a way she cannot resist. You'll love this! Your outlook on sales is about to change!! :)

Stage #6


  • Developing the right mindset (overcoming your own obstacles, feelings of inadecuacy and fears)


  • Understanding your money story (making yourself available for abundance) 


  • Caring and nurturing for yourself, especially if you are still juggling life, family and a 9 to 5 job


  • Learn to run webinars, telesummits and intensives (to scale up and grow your audience)


  • Create a strong brand and position yourself as an expert in your industry


  • Partnering with industry leaders, to increase your credibility and boost your profit (mentors, team and experts)


  • Using the Taylor Swift strategies to grow your audience 


The foundation to growing your business is growing yourself. It's about your transformation and you becoming the kind of person that has the capacity to bring forth the success you desire and who makes the impact you want to make. 

Stage #7


  • Becoming the transformational coach who gets your clients lasting results (regardless of your industry)


  • Getting amazing testimonials from your happy clients


  • Automating your business and adding passive income through your programs and digital products... the blessing of making money while you sleep or go on vacay)


  • Long term strategic plan (scaling up) and long term marketing plan


  • Integrating "giving back" as part of your business model and strategy. Growing your impact beyond yourself, your business and your clients


Mindblowing results come from strategically setting yourself apart, as an industry leader, by baking your purpose, values and vision to the fabric of your business. 

I have found that the majority of us spin our wheels,

because we don't know what we should focus on to bring results

Why should you hire Pachi as your coach?


  • Because... I'm the queen of empowering leaders to get clear on their unique awesomeness and to have the courgage to live out their purpose and dreams


  • I believe that you have what it takes to create a sound action plan that will allow you to serve thousands of people, AND to become a "savvy" business owner or entrepreneur


  • I'll teach you the simple, proven process for kickstarting your life + business, so you'll quit missing opportunities and you'll begin to attract your ideal clients (and make money)


  • I'm ready to help you move out of overwhelm and uncertainty, especially if you're a busy woman, juggling life, motherhood, and everything else, as you are trying to grow your business.


  • Because... you are ready to focus on the right things!


  • AND you want to take your leap and do some of the things I've done in the last 12 months, like speaking at large events, traveling, working with your ideal clients, creating and launching programs, hire a small team and begin to get clients who really want to work with you, because they are ready to see results in their lives and businesses, too! 


Did you know that according to Harvard School of Business 61% of businesses fail due to poor strategy and excecution? This is why if you are first starting your business ( and probably juggling your day job,  your life and family) it's critical you choose a business model that works for you. 


The truth is that most of us have to learn to think strategically, so our business can prosper.  It wasn't until I hired my own coach and began to learn what were the 1st, 2nd and 3rd steps that I needed to take to attract clients, increase my list, become a sales superstar and so on, that I began to turn my business from a hobby to a profitable one!


It came around full cirle. I went from feeling overwhlemed, fearful and uncertain of what I was doing, to producing results for myself, my family, my clients and my team! I'm so ready to help you see results!

Ready to get laser focus & to saying yes

to a life of making dreams your reality?

What's included on your

Design & Launch Your Signature Program 


         During this session, we will get clear on your WHAT                  and your WHY. We'll begin to craft a 90-day

         plan to make your vision a reality



        To be used over 4 months



        Action sheets to help you kiss overwhelm, uncertainty    

        and any block good-bye! 





        So you can go back and listen (you'll be surprise of all

        the aha moments and results)








apply here

Who is this program NOT  for?

  • You are only interested in a "get quick rich formula", rather than holistic, consistent growth


  • If you are not interested in using your business as a platform to follow your calling, share your message and truly help those you are meant to serve


  • You are not looking to work strategically and ready to be accountable


  • You are looking for someone else to do the work for you.

      Your Investment        


Paid in full bonus


($500 bonus for full payment)

Payment Plan Option


(Billed every 30 days for 3 months)

only 3 spots available

© 2016 Pachi Julian McLeod International, LLC

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