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A Spiritual's Coach and Entrepreneur's Guide to Make Money Now and Change Lives with Confidence, and Without Feeling "Pushy" or Salesy in the Process

The truth is that there are people assigned to you who need your help NOW (before the end of this year), and I know you know you have what it takes to help them transform their lives and get to where they’ve been called to go! 


You've accepted the calling (assignment) to help them, but when you get to the "selling" part, you hesitate or your confidence shakes.


I am here to tell you that there's a way to fall in LOVE with sales and to help your people say YES and move into action, without coming across as desperate or irritating! 

It's YOUR TIME to confidently serve more paying clients who truly need YOUR help!

I know you really want to end the year:

  • Celebrating having slayed that launch (plus, achieving each one of your goals) 

  • Serving another 15, 20, 30, 40, 50 or even 100 paying bff badass clients who get results

  • Having some of your favorite peeps move into high-end offer or 1:1

  • Less time with your head down in your office, and more time with your familia​

  • Consistent income $5k, $10k months and beyond

  • TONS of clients and customers who know, love and trust you–AND are SERIOUS about doing the work and getting results (Amen, sista!!)

BUT the truth is that the EASIEST way to turn these goals into results, is by conquering your "sales blocks",  and unleashing yourself to hear more YESS from  the people you’ve been called to help THIS YEAR!


I used to DREAD sales, even though I knew I was a great coach, that could help people transform their lives!  I REALLY wanted to help people, but I was afraid/triggered when it came to asking for the sale or 

If you're struggling:

  • Lacking the confidence to offer the services you truly desire to the RIGHT people!

  • Feeling triggered and insecure about receiving money for your services.

  • Fear 


Then time to move to PHASE #2 of growing your impact and spiritual biz:


Is to give yourself full blown, unapologetic, balls-to-the-walls permission to:

  • Show up

  • Serve

  • Help

  • Sell

To the people you were put on this planet to help, this year!  You already know this.

But there are a lot of voices trying

to distract you from ACTIVATING

your power and going ALL in on this…


Hence: this is the main reason you keep feeling like you’re stuck… spinning your wheels and flying by the seat

of your pants. 


Well listen up, honey: There IS a better way! (Yeah, I said it. Because it’s true.) Because fear and doubt are whispering that you must focus on you to win (that’s your ego/ lack/survival mode/ poverty mentality talking.) 

Here’s the question for you, my Love:

When are you going to REMEMBER that

you’re a PROSPEROUS soul... that God has and

will ALWAYS take care of YOU?


When are you going to remember that


(and the other side of that coin is also true…

everyone who doesn’t give…

doesn’t receive) 

What's crazy is how the ego-based, self-centered actually leaves A LOT of money,

clients and IMPACT

on the table!

I know most online business experts are teaching

that high-end offers are the ONLY way

to create massive wealth.

But the TRUTH proves them alllllll wrong:

Statistics are showing that 90% of people (give or take) are failing in their business because they’re wasting time trying to look and sound like everybody else... leading with their

egos, rather than their powerful calling and heart. 

The good news?


Things can change FAST, if you change up just one (maybe not-so-little) thing about your approach, you can change your entire business. Fact.

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That you CLAIM the next 7 weeks (the rest of your life, really) to give yourself permission to INFUSE all your desires with service and love and making the freaking impact you were called to make THIS YEAR, baby!


After all, that’s what your spirit, soul and body were sent here to do. Because:


  • Every offer

  • Every video

  • Every post

  • Ever training

  • Every person you’ll touch and help

Is part of YOUR JOURNEY into expansion, next level and growth! (yup, you heard me right)

A lot of the things you’ve been holding back on, hiding from and afraid to do… ARE EXACTLY YOUR NEXT ALIGNED STEPS. 

PLUS there's also that  spiritual law: GIVERS ALWAYS GET MORE!!!

Commit to giving yourself full-blown, unapologetic, balls-to-the-walls permission to FOCUS on unapologetically leading, serving AND selling

to the people you've been called to help, NOW!


I can't tell you enough how this approach to life and business have not just revolutionize my life, but my husband’s, my son’s, my brother’s, my clients and inner circle, too! (lol. whoever I come in touch with ain’t lying…) 

Because giving is contagious.

And we’re here to be generous!

And have a freaking blast in the process. 

Imagine you finishing the year, not just with more money, but as the MOST authentic, free and happy version of yourself!

This is your time.  

And I can help you ACCELERATE sales and IMPACT...


(And that’s where I gotcha.)

I’m here (like, on this page and on this Earth) to help grow your transformational biz through helping you design, launch and DELIVER your group programs that serve more people and help you scale, so your biz can take off and go to the next level! (aka your signature sales process/system).

Listen, I feel you. You didn’t just wake up one day and think, “Shoot, I think today I’ll become an entrepreneur!”

For you, the #entrepreneurlife is a freaking calling. You can’t help yourself–you know you’re made to serve!

And if I know you at all (and I believe I do): You also started this business for another (uber-importante) personal reason.

  • Maybe it was to have more time for the littles in your life.

  • Maybe it was to make more money, so you could donate more money.


  • Maybe it was just to get the heck out of that soul-crushing 9-5 and do something that doesn’t make you want to stab your eyes out with a pencil. :)   

Whatever the reason…Your current day-to-day looks a wee bit different than the dream.


Love: If you really wanna… Grow your biz... Spend more time with your kiddos...Make mucho dinero, so you can hire a team, a cleaning lady, and the best web developer on the block...



  • In short: #unleashyoursales is perfecto for coaches and services-based entrepreneurs who are ready to SCALE UP their biz, increase their SALES to consistent income– without constantly chasing clients and feeling burn out.

  • Unleash your heart, calling and message to LEAD, SERVE and SELL to your current audience (instead of chasing more people to get them to sign up to your freebie) + subverting the crap you’ve been told you must to do to get clients.

  • Grow your movement and attract more of the people you're actually CALLED to lead, serve and sell to (aka. the secret to easier and more consistent sales) 

  • Create your OWN signature sales system offering both: 1:1 and group programs (any form of group offer from retreats, to masterminds, courses or live group programs) and messaging that’s in total alignment with your people, and giving them exactly what they want, need and can afford right now

  • Build a 6-figure business with consistent sales and income, so that you can finally replace your nine-to-five income, and have the freedom to spend more time with your familia and doing the things you're love.

  • Welcome loads of people saying “Heck Yes” to your offering, because you’ve created an offer you’re on fire about and your ideal client is ready and willing to pay for

  • Make the return on your investment from all those hours of hustle and the investments you've paid for, but not really implemented (no judgement here)

  • Feel uber-excited and confident when you create freebies, challenges, webinars, interview series and other powerful content (because it FINALLY attracts the right people and turns browsers into buyers)  

  • Develop your own simple, unique step-by-step strategy to attract, engage and convert more of your dream peeps into paying client

  • Work a buttload less and go on rad adventures (or have fun nights in ;) ) with your family loved ones a buttload more :)

  • Watch your bank account grow while you pay down that dirty debt, replace your current income with your biz income (🙌), cruise around the world on family vacations and share your message/ live out your vision

  • Confidently claim your unique calling, take massive consistently aligned action and step out into your destiny in a BIG way (that makes the God super proud  ;) )

  • Say bye-bye to self-sabotage, flying by the seat of your pants and all the improvisation that you have going on that’s leading you straight to Nowhere-ville :)

  • Give back to causes and people you believe in (like you've been wanting to for, um, ever)

  • Accelerate to 5k, $10k, plus months, over and over and over again...forever and ever, amen! ;)



✔️ Signed up 300, 70, 56, 45, 18 clients in 90-day to 6 months

✔️  Designed, launch and sold out their first group programs

✔️  Launch and sold out their freebies, webinars or challenges

✔️  Launched hosted and sold out their first live events

✔️  Hit their first 3K week and 5K- 10K+ months

✔️  Doubled their list and grown their communities

✔️  Landed their first TV interview

✔️  Paid thousands of dollars on debt

✔️  Design the schedule to work 10-20 hour weeks

✔️  Finally got to go on their first vacation overseas!

✔️  Improved their personal relationships, were less stressed out

✔️  Surpassed their month client goals (more time  for their kids)

✔️  Manifested the money to have a dream 20-day trip to Europe

✔️  Became more confident to sell and convert clients

✔️  Replace their salary and resigned from their 9 to 5pm

✔️  Much more...


Every success story you see in this page started with my clients feeling stuck, overwhelmed, from having invested time, money and resources on free and paid programs that either didn't deliver or they didn't implement on to get results...


Which lead to a lot of self-doubt and unnecessary activities, because they didn't have a solid sales strategy that helped them to take consistent aligned action. 


However, as I helped them to turn all of the above into getting their first paying clients, doubling their lists, getting booked or sold out, creating their desired 3k, 5K, 10K, 15k, 25k months, etc.


I've intentionally crafted this program with everything you need from coaching with me, the live group coaching training, each module and bonus training to help you finally increase your sales and create the life and business in alignment with you calling beyond your dreams!  

Here's What You Get:

  • 6 LIVE modules- each module you’ll get access to an over 60+ minutes of value-packed ACTION driven content delivered  per module! This is where you’ll get to see me presenting each lesson, sharing EVERYTHING I believe you need to know and understand so that you can confidently sell, sharing and leading your tribe (no matter the size) (Value $2,00) 


  • 6 group coaching calls and Q+A time, as well as some LIVE hot seat coaching where you I can coach you and other participants live during the call (Value 3,000)

  • Life time access to a the course and recordings of each call. For your convenience, all calls are recorded.


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Learn Pachi's process for turn the desires, vision and purpose you cravin' into reality . 

I'll help you to transform your fears into a solid SCALABLE foundation for sales to become easier. You'll also get crystal clear about WHAT services and programs you're MEANT to offer and WHO is ready for you, and how YOU stand out


Screwing Fear + Unleashing Your Calling

  • Learn Pachi's process for identifying and shifting the fear, doubt, insecurities, limiting beliefs, poverty and lack mindset and lies that keep you from giving yourself permission to unleash your vision, step up as the leader your people need (are assigned) to work with and RECEIVE! It's time to get real and clear what's truly holding you back from doing what you were born to do. 

  • Get clear on YOUR message and stories that you're meant to use to build your content, offers, programs, books and business around. 

  • Uncovering the BEST offers (or programs) for you to sell right now and unlock your signature solution. We'll unpack your genius, your calling, your God-given assignment for this time. Instead of starting by trying to figure out "what's gonna sell" (which doesn't work)... we focus on what YOU are meant to offer, right now!


Stepping as The Leader Your People (Tribe) Needs 

  • Pachi will help you to pinpoint and understand  how YOU were wired EXACTLY the way God needed (your personality, temperament, your quicks, your interests, your stories, the lessons you've learned, the mistakes you've made) SO you can stand out to the people assigned to be touched by you in this lifetime. You made were packaged EXACTLY how God needed you to be, to succeed at fulfilling this calling. This will help you drop the "comparison trap" and any imposter syndrome you're dealing with.

  • Which people and why your soulmate clients are assigned to you for a reason...

  • Why falling in love with your people and tribe are the secret to standing out unapologetically as their leader and as an authority in your field. 

  • Casting the vision for your tribe and movement to grow faster.



Dare to position yourself as the EXPERT and create the TRIBE where YOU belong.

This will be ALL about creating KILLER transformational content that makes imapct and SALES... while growing your tribe with hundreds or thousands of ideal clients

who are READY to buy from you, on repeat!



  • Growth strategy: casting a clear vision on how to grow your movement and tribe building on steroids with service, including growing your 

  • Turning your story and lessons into FREE content that get the RIGHT clients right away

  • Secrets of creating magnetic content (including Facebook live +videos) that leads directly to your offer and converts into paying clients with fun and ease

  • The fun way to make offers (every week) with your content and get clients on Facebook groups and social media, without being pushy, annoying or salesy




  • Your Aligned Sales Formula: attract the Ideal Clients Ready to Buy NOW 

  • Making sales a no big deal!

  • Helping clients overcome their fears and objections around your offer (and about their fears to step into their level)

  • Pachi's heart and service driven client conversion strategy 

  • Reverse Engineering: my step-by-step 4 to 6 week launch to fill up your program, faster!

  • Crossing 100k with a solid sales and impact driven system!



Dare to be the LEADER your ideal clients are CRAVING and call them to ACTION!

This will be ALL about embracing sales in a way that lights you up, changes lives and

it's a TOTAL win-win for you and your peeps. Selling is serving at a whole-other-level!





WEEK 6-7:





  • How to run free assessments that convert (my formula to get 12+ calls a month)

  • Discovery calls and sales conversation process that converts!

  • Overcome objections and your dream peeps into paying clients

  • How to lean back and let your ideal clients practically sell themselves on working with you, so you can close more sales with fun and ease

  • How to run free assessments that convert (my formula to get 12+ calls a month)

  • Discovery calls and sales conversation process that converts!

  • Overcome objections and your dream peeps into paying clients

  • How to lean back and let your ideal clients practically sell themselves on working with you, so you can close more sales with fun and ease


and while you're sitting around with your loved ones

you say: "THIS has been the BEST year of my life!

1. Daring to LEAD

2. Stepping up to SHARE 

3. Giving yourself permission to SELL

to those who need you most (aka. called to)

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Doors Close on Friday at 11:59PM

Pachiiiiiiii, I need more VIP support!

(Well, heck to the yes! I've got 1 spot left on my 1:1 Private Program- Unleashed...

you get this Called To Sell program for FREE, if you sign up now)

Sista, here's the deal:

Sista, here's the deal:

Now, I don’t want to toot my own horn (too much), but I’m kinda the group

program queen.

Now, I don’t want to toot my own horn (too much), but I’m kinda the group

program queen.

I totally understand that you’ve invested in programs and courses already. I get that you probably feel like you've literally tossed money right into the trashcan on programs that didn’t help you get, well, anywhere.


But if you were SUPER HONEST, even though you know a lot of the steps you’re “supposed” to take, something is blocking you from believing that you can ACTUALLY have what you desire… and that is where the majority of this procrastination, the spinning your wheels, the lack of consistency, the backsliding and feeling overwhelmed is coming from.


If you don’t begin to IMPLEMENT and take action, you’ll continue to feel all Grumpy Cat that your efforts aren’t creating results.

I get it:

  • Yes, you’re busy with different responsibilities! (I get it – I’m a #boymama and yes, the struggle is REAL)

  • Yes, you’re totally overloaded with information from all those courses and materials you’ve invested in (Which is exactly why my process is simple and laid out in a way that focuses on EXECUTION, not INFORMATION :) )

  • Yes, you need help creating a solid strategy that you can implement in a couple of hours a day that will actually bring RESULTS!

  • And YES – you also need a breakthrough so you can BELIEVE, this is not just some dream you made up… you need to transform your mentality that is keeping you trap in a season of life that you’ve already outgrown! (This is where I shine, and most other programs fall flat. #justsaying)

That’s how you get back into your power and stay inspired... That’s how you beat burnout and stop spinning your wheels... 


This program will give you ALL of it: Implementation, strategy and transformation.

You ready to ACCELERATE your

business growth?

Frequently Asked Questions


1. Can I participate in this training even if I have never had paying clients?
Yes, Called to Sell is a foundational program for any coach or service-based entrepreneur ready to give themselves permission to lead, share and sell to those who need your help!

2. I am not a coach - could you apply these strategies to my business?
Yes! I've worked with other service-based entrepreneurs like network marketers, photographers, stylists, healers, doctors, physiotherapists and psychologists, etc and thanks to the results they experience in their lives, Having influence, helping others. If you're ready to launch a group program to share your expertise with those who want to do what you do (or do what you've done)... I have no doubt that it will benefit you too!

3. What if I'm super busy right now. Can I still participate? 
Yes! You'll be able to book your calls with me at a time that works for us both. No worries about missing one of the group coaching calls, as ALL those are recorded so you will have life-time access to them. You'll have this content forever. And you can follow at your own pace. You have the course content forever and often, students love the course so much that they go through it more than once.

4. Do you have a payment plan?
I do! I love payment plants. Find the payment plan option, on the investment session on this page.

5 Do you guarantee that I will make money?
As you can imagine, there are no ways to give you guarantee in programs of this type, because everything will depend that as you apply the principles. Most of the content comes from my personal experiences, all the training I've had with some of the best coaches in the world. I made thousands of dollars in just a few months and my clients have also made money. What I am going to teach you, plus the support I'll give you  is exactly what I did to go from nowhere to my 5K, 10K and 17K+, thousands of followers between my social and e-mail list, etc. I reached ALL my goals while I had my regular job, being the mother of a 3 year old boy, wife and everything else! I've designed this bootcamp for busy people with 2-3 hours available a day to grow their business.  

6 How much time will I have to invest weekly in the program?
You can invest as much time as you want. Usually 5-10 hours a week, but this is to ACTUALLY grow your business, no "homework", is actual IMPLEMENTATION such as creating your content and doing your

 weekly money making tasks and participate in the group coaching call. I'm going to give you what works and ditching what doesn't, so I'm just looking for women committed to living to the fullest and achieving their dreams.

 DISCLAIMER: My attorney says I have to say this... I don't guarantee or warrant results or increased income. The testimonials on this page may not be typical for all students. 

Still Have Questions?
Let's Chat!



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