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You know you're meant for so much more but right now you're stuck wondering how to go from where you are to manifesting these dreams and desires you've put on hold for so long.

Are you ready to stop running from your deep desire for love and a life you're wildly excited about? 


You've always wanted it and even though you keep saying that maybe this is not the right time, deep down your desire a life that is in true alignment with your dreams; you want to share your life with your soulmate, to make your unique impact in the world and to create a life centered around what's a priority to you, like your family, friends and others you desire to help!


If you're here, it's probably because those desires are becoming too strong for you to ignore or push them to the bottom of your priority list. 

That's the reason why you've had your recent shifts. This is why you've said that you've had enough and it's time for things to change. And I agree! I actually believe that you've been Divinely guided to heal your wounds and remove the blocks, so that you can become available to the life meant for you... So that you can co-create the life of love and miracles you're made for.

It's time for you to add yourself and these desires back to the priority list. It's time to get in alignment with unique spirit and soul's blueprint... to spark a relationship with a man who is crazy about you and who values you, for who you truly are. 

This is a Divine shift, because taking care of you, will make your desire of taking your career/business, and every other area of your life to the next level, a reality.

This program is for you, the big-hearted, driven woman who loves to give and to share her gifts, but who feels like something is missing in her heart, personal life and relationships. 

It's time for something NEW!


  • For the last few years you've focused a lot of your attention to achieving success in your career and other areas of your life, and personal goals had taken a back seat.

  • Lately, you’ve been wondering, how the heck did I get here? When did I become so use to “playing within the lines”, neglecting myself as a woman and putting everybody else's needs first, but myself in the back burner?

  • You know that what you need is not just a lux vacation overseas or a break from "work" it's something way deeper. It's something internal, you know you need a persoal "breakthrough", something powerful enough to make the shift that will allow your heart and desires to manifest, but you have so much on your plate and that you can't figure out how to keep things going while you take care of YOU!​

  • For some reason, you keep attractting the same wrong men. You try to be flexible and then end up heartbroken and disappointed.  This is so draining!

  • Those closest to you keep "nagging" you about focusing on you and your intimate relationships and to be honest it sounds like exactly what you need, but you don't know where to start.

  • You are a career-driven powerhouse, but you need to reboot your confidence in other areas, but it's difficult to love on you, as you feel responsible to keep up with all the things you have going on.

Stay with me... You've come to the right place!

Hi I am Pachi,

I am a transformational life coach for passionate women, who want to live out their dreams and to get in alignment with their Divine calling or blueprint. 


I always felt that I was meant to be part of something special. I am extremely driven, a dreamer, a go getter. 

At 20 I had already achieved a lot, but I decided to leave my country and everything I knew to moved to the USA, because I wanted to build a successful counseling and leadership career that would allow me to make massive impact. 

I knew I was created with a God-sized dream. My passion and drive allowed me to become a leader for some of the best organizations in various fields, from religious eviroment, education and counseling and later on non-profits. I began to realize to feel that success wasn't as sweet, because I didn't have my soulmate to share it with.

I made a shift. I decided to continue to go for my career success and for making my unique impact, but not at the expense of my personal life and relationships. I remember crying my eyes out in prayer as I was kneeling before my bed, "Dear God, I can't do this any longer! Please help me. If you help me figure this out and attract my ideal man, I promise to help other women do the same!" 

No, I wasn't trying to be "too spiritual". Honestly, I was just trying to bargain with God, asking for him to take my pain away. The pain of another relationship not working, another heartbreak, another reason to feel that He was not going to bless me with the romance and best friend I had dreamt about for years. 

I got better. I moved on. AND I kind of forgot about that promised I made years ago! I went on to spend thousands of hours counseling, mentoring and working with women of different ages, background and walks of life. I began to realize that even though each of my clients and friends had a different story, there were common factors in all of them.



I wanted to focus on helping women leaders who already had momentum in a few areas of their lives, but who where looking for a breakthrough that would allowed them to go to the next level. BUT HOW? What I love the most and what fulfills me, is helping passionate, powerhouses and driven women to heal and transform their relationships with themselves, God, their man, others and their unique calling.



Thanks to my formal training, the thousands of hours coaching and counseling many women and my unique God-given gift, I have the tools and experience needed to ensure that you not only continue to reach your career or business success, but that you uncover and begin a life that is in alignment with your unique spirit and soul's blueprint for your life, relationships and career. Life is better, when it's full of love!

Wake Up! What Are You Waiting For?

Working with Pachi Influenced Every Area of My Life!

For several years my only desire was to find that person that would make me feel really special and loved. I think had I found Aladdin's lamp and was allowed to have 3 wishes, I’d have asked him to give me my partner, and I would gave returned the other two wishes. I felt that was all I needed, but some how kept failing again and again in the love department. 

Working with Pachi influenced me in so many ways. Pachi taught me to know myself and understand better. Not only did it allow me to experience self love, self awareness but also major improvements in my relationships with my close family. I am now dating ideal man!

Working with Pachi opened me to a world of talent that I didn't know. It was not until I worked to heal my heart, and learning to love myself as no one would love me, I began to feel special for who I was and not for what others  said. 

I am not able to help other women to step into their power through my programs for women.


Entrepreneur & Physical Therapist 

Testimonios Clientes

Pachi has a gift in helping others see their potential

I was ready, but I didn't know where to begin. I was feeling scared, intimidated and like I couldn't gain the clarity on exactly was I supposed to do, despite praying about it. I was excited, yet apprehensive. Standing on the edge, ready to jump!

 Pachi has a beautiful heart and is helping others, like myself, have the courage to move forward and live our dreams. 

She has a gift in helping others see their potential and gift, then empowering them to change the world. 



Military Wife, Momma & Fitness Coach

Testimonios Clientes

Are You Available For What 's Yours?

Month 1

Uncover Your Unique Soul & Spirit's Blueprint

Did you used to dream about the career, the man and living the life of your dreams, but somewhere along the way life happened? Did you begin to focus on making things happen and ended up putting yourself and your non-career related desires in the back burner?


Something has shifted in you and you're realizing that in God-sized dream for you, you can have it all! The life, the relationships and the career that allows you to make an impact. 


I've been there. I remember the "shift" and I am here to guide you as you find clarity, and as you authentically tap into your power to manifest your desires and have the break-thru that is ready for you, today!

I am going to help you gain the clarity you need, so you know that you're on the right path to what God has for you in this season of your life!

Month 2

Attract More

Love Into Every Are of Your Life


What is blocking you from the spiritual, emotional and soulful abundance that is available for you? 


I'll help you to release the fears and limiting beliefs that are blocking you from attracting vibrant and amazing love from their main man to other important relationships.


As a counselor and coach, I'll teach my clients the tools to help you heal those wounds that have been running the show.


These wounds are so powerful and they could be as small as that someone made you feel as if you were not good enough, to physical and sexual abuse. 


When you identify and clear the blocks, the fears and limiting beliefs, miracles begin to happen!

God has your back! He doesn't just want you to use your gifts, He is all about us living fulfilling lives, too!

Month 3

Next Level Success In Alignment with Your Blueprint


One of my favorite parts of this process, is seeing the ripple effect of all the healing and breakthrough. 

I have seen it in my own life and in the life of my clients, as you become the spiritual and emotionally powerful that you truly are, your "giving" really goes to another level. 


Imagine yourself, finally getting clear and partering with God to manifesting your dreams what the life you're made for! Imagine how effective and truly powerful will you be, as you begin to give out of the fullness in your life! 

 I'll help you discover how to own all of you!


At the end of our time together, you can expect even better relationships with God, with yourself and irre-sistible relationships with family, friends and neighbors (or clients).


Ready For Your Major Breakthough?

Hello Gorgeous! Did you know that your internal experiences and beliefs are running the show in your life? You could be beautiful, hard working, a risk taker or dreamer, BUT if your beliefs are messed up... You will not be fully fulfilled. 


Have you ever met a woman with very successful career and no man, even though she wants one... or a woman with a very successful relationship but who struggles to move forward in her career? It's because you can have a very healthy belief in an area of your life and a destructive one elsewhere. 


Hi I am Pachi! I'm a psychologist and mentor turned coach. For the last 10 years I've dedicated thousands of hours to working with women of different ages, marital status and backgrounds. I LOVE THIS STUFF! 


My 1:1 work with you will go beyond what any book, conference can go, because all our focus is actually on you! It will surpass any success you can have with a regular counselor, because we're not focusing all our time on your past and the negative parts of your journey. We're literally going deep, to create major shifts that WILL propel you forward. I've created this program for you, the woman who is not afraid of reading, researching and working for her breakthroughts, but who feels like she is somehow missing a "secret code" to living her best life.




This 90 day program is customized to meet your needs and to allow us to make the major shiftings that have been blocking you from what you've wanted.

 I am deeply committed to helping each of my private clients on getting them to the next level of what they are desiring for their life!

What would a life makeover mean for you in the next 4 months? 

Testimonios Clientes

Pachi is excellent! She knows how to create a safe environment, so you feel free to dig deep and make the best decision for you and your family.


She is an excellent coach who knows how to guide you through overcoming you fears, blocks or whatever is holding you back. My favorite counselor and coach!


Dr. Eronely,


I attracted my first 13 clients within 3 weeks!

Thanks to my work with Pachi, I was able to create my first program and attracted my first 13 clients within our first 3 weeks of working together. I have reached an incredible level of clarity about goals and desires.


I'm now very clear on the value of what I have to offer. I've been able to organically attract over 30 clients in 3 months, because I know who my ideal clients are. " 



Life Coach

Testimonios Clientes

Pachi helped me create my game plan...

Pachi helped me create my game plan...

Pachi helped me think things through, create a game plan and think more strategically.


I realized I wasn't planning things out like I needed to and would never be able to gain the success I want without being strategic and intentional about my business.


Carole Ann,

Non-profit Leader & Entrepreneur

Testimonios Clientes
Testimonios Clientes

I'm Ready! What's Next?

  • You'll book a free 30 minute Clarity Call with me


  • During the call, we'll talk about what is going on in your life, get clarity on the woman you desire to be and decide if we are a good fit to work together


  • You'll invest in your coaching package, I'll send you a Customized Contract and Welcome Package that we'll use to go even deeper to see what's holding you back and how to get moving forward even before we begin to work together.


  • We'll set up a weekly coaching appointment. 


  • During our coaching sessions we'll talk about all the extraordinary changes you're making, and map out the clear path to your goals. As your coach, I will provide guidance and challenge you in various ways, so you can reach new levels of clarity for taking your results even further!

What You'll Get

  • 90-minute coaching intensive to kickstart your breakthrough and create your individualized plan for the 90 days!

  • Three (60 minute) private coaching sessions a month


  • All sessions are conveniently recorded for future listening.

  • Unlimited access to me via email with a response within 24 hours. 


  • Resources and sessions tailored to your exact needs to ensure major shifts in your life.

  •  LIMITED TIME BONUS: FREE access to Dare to Love Academy (value $500)

Your Investment

US $1,500

*Payment Plan Available*

Limited Time Bonus

Are you ready to celebrate? Join me and an amazing group of women in Punta Cana, Dominican Republic! 

What do you think about kickstarting 2017 with a clear Game Plan for Success? Join me in Punta Cana, RD


If you sign up today, you'll receive 2 free access tickets (yes! you get to bring another girl-friend) to my end of the year retreat! (total value $1,000)

Note: offer covers event participation. It does not include travels, hotel stay or any other costs, apart from event entry. 

What do you have to lose? Schedule your call today! 

Please send all your questions to 

All Rights Reserved. © 2016 Pachi Julian McLeod International, LLC

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