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Unleash Yourself to RECEIVE Your God-size Dream (in life and business)

I've got VERY GOOD NEWS for you, today!

Do you realize that God expects you to be a SUCCESS, because He made YOU (and the rest of us ;) to SUCCEED!???

  • God is dreaming for you and about you.

  • God has angels, the Holy Spirit and support around you, right this second.

  • God is excited, inviting you to birth/ co-create that dream He has placed in your heart!

The ONLY thing is that it’s OUTSIDE of your comfort zone.

Ok. Let me make it a LITTLE more clear!

THINK about that goal you have that makes you a little nervous… Maybe you’ve been avoiding that goal… But you TOTALLY know, that if you reached it, it would TOTALLY take you to your NEXT level!

Yup, that one!!!

The reason you haven’t fully committed, is because that goal is OUTSIDE of your comfort zone.

And here’s the THING: THAT’S exactly the goal, God is wanting you to go for, NOW.

  • The goal that could change your LIFE, is a God-size goal.

  • The goal that would make you feel like this was your BEST year, is a God-size goal.

  • And the enemy, your ego, your limiting beliefs are ALL trying to keep you from going for it.

That goal is your ASSIGNMENT, for this season!!!

Here's the 2nd GOOD NEWS: If you’re not currently freaking out at least a little about your goal for this month and rest of the year… You’re probably playing it safe. Lol

How do I know!????

  • Because growing (God-size goals/dreams) ALWAYS takes us out of our comfort zone.

  • Because growing ALWAYS requires FAITH!

And here’s the COOL thing I wanna share with you…

EVERY time I’ve sucked it up, stopped focusing so much on my fears and limiting believes… and I DARED to step out in faith (taking massive aligned action), the results went BEYOND my expectations.

ALL because I followed and obeyed God’s guidance, instead of my fears and doubts.

Let me break it down for you a little more, in this 10-minute audio.

After working with hundreds of entrepreneurs and trailblazers, here's what I've learned... when we’re before a real God-size goal:

  • Our 1st reaction is excitement

  • Our 2nd reaction is freak out

The 2 main reasons we freak out is because the goal is God-sized, not you-size.

And here are the steps that normally needs to happen in order for you to MANIFEST/RECEIVE/ACHIEVE IT:

Step #1 You have to CHOOSE the dream (aka. accept the assignment)

Step #2 You’ve gotta get underneath and FACE any lie that’s coming up, saying you cannot have THAT God-sized dream (again, if you’re not getting any push back or lie coming up, it’s most likely because you’re playing in your COMFORT zone)

Step #3 You’ve gotta DECIDE that the time is NOW (there has to be an urgency to this goal, or you won’t fully show up)

Step #4 You’ve gotta create a SIMPLE plan (what is the most aligned and fun way for YOU to birth this goal into existence)?

Step #5 You’ve gotta take MASSIVE action, consistently until the goal is reached (momentum)!!!


  • Removing your blocks to receiving this God-size goal!

  • It’s clearing, healing, aligning so you can FREE take ACTION.

  • The lies will continue to come up each day.

  • Some crazy thought will try to take you off alignment.

  • Your fears will wanna claim an all day meeting with ya.

And the grand-daddy most important work will be, to stay ALIGNED (by doing the work), so you can continue taking ACTION and receiving!

Here’s THE MAIN LESSON I WANT YOU TO GET: You didn't make up that dream!!!!!

There’s NOOOO wayyy for you to just make up a God-size dream.

And for those of us in business… If we have a God-size dream of attracting X number of clients…

It means that that X number of people is LOOKING for the SOLUTION we have (even if they don’t know our name)

And so FINDING these people and talking with them (selling the program/offer) is PART OF THE CALLING!!!


Some of the greatest lies come from out Mother and Father stories.

Mother wounds: normally connected to your visibility and allowing yourself to fully be SEEN!? If subconsciously we felt that our mom was really critical or always requiring us to be perfect… We’ll deal with fear of been SEEN, because we feared disappointing and being hurt, because we’re letting people down.

Father Wounds: normally connected to your ability to ASK for what you want and to RECEIVE it, instead of constantly feeling like you have to perform or over-deliver, perfectionism, etc before you ask for what you truly desired. If we subconsciously felt like no matter what we did to get our dad’s attention, we never had their full approval, admiration, if they left or were nor present or WHATEVER it was that we wanted from our dad or father figure that we didn’t get… we buy into the belief that everything has to be hard… that we can NEVER have what we want…

SO HEALING THOSE STORIES (whichever one tends to run the show), WILL allow us to receive and believe our God-size dream!

Listen to today's short (10-minute) Podcast, so I can fully explain!


Testimonios Clientes


Pachi is excellent! She knows how to create a safe environment, so you feel free to dig deep and make the best decision for you and your family.


She is an excellent coach who knows how to guide you through overcoming you fears, blocks or whatever is holding you back. My favorite counselor and coach!


Dr. Eronely,




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